Welcome Aboard

Thank you for choosing us!

WAIVIT Inspect and WAIVIT Evaluate are here to help you provide your clients with a compliant, scalable, and cost-effective solution.

01. Initial Setup

The WAIVIT team will create your organization in our system and set up the primary user. We specifically ask for your mobile number so we can send you invites and (for our Inspect users) inspection requests. The primary user will be able to set up additional users. If you'd like us to set up your entire team, send us an email with your users' name, email and mobile number.

02. Training

The next step is to schedule your training. We'll set aside an hour for your training + Q & A. We understand it can be difficult to get everyone in the same place at the same time. Feel free to schedule up to three sessions using the link below.

03. Support

To make integration and support as painless as possible, WAIVIT provides documentation and a way to file feature requests, ask questions or let us know of any potential issues with the platform. We will review the documentation and feedback form during your training, but you can sign up now.